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Now available
Jan 2025 Morning Glory

Dec. 2024 Morning Glory
Nov. 2024 Morning Glory
Oct 2024 Morning Glory
Sept. 2024 Morning glory
August 2024 Morning Glory
June 2024 Morning Glory
May 2024 Morning glory
March 2024 Morning Glory
Jan. 2024 Morning Glory
Dec 2023 Morning Glory
Nov. 2023 Morning Glory
Oct. 2023 Morning Glory
Sept, 2023 Morning Glory
August 2023 Morning Glory
June 2023 Morning Glory
May Morning Glory 2023
March Morning Glory 2023
January Morning Glory 2023
December 2022 Morning Glory

Go to newsletter section of web page to download older Issues. 

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April 18,09. I have pos

ning Gloryted four messages from the Kasson Mn. Bible Conference held on March 14th. Go to Audio Download and click on Kasson 2009.


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"Where are you Looking?" by Pastor Jim Haga. An important article on the relationship on baptism, faith and salvation. Go to Old Paths section and click on "Where are you Looking."   

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 Spirit and Power by Ludvig Hope is now complete. 12/4/08


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I've posted in the Old Paths section the last chapter of a book written by P. Ljostveit entitled "Innermission Church History" and printed by the Hauge Innermission in 1948. The Chaper is entitled "The Church of Norway 1940-45".

An account of the persecution under Nazi Germany.  



Posted!!!! Five messages on Audio Download page from the Forest City Conference on April 4-6th 2008. Go to Audio Downloads and click on Forest City Conference.  I was not able to get an Audio from Sunday Mornings service, but If You want to read Toby Knutsons message, it is on the Newsletter Page, again click on Forest City Conference and download document.   Also Go to Photo Album to see pictures.



Check out "A Firm Footing" by Peder Fostervold. Peder was one of the driving forces behind the formation of the Hauge Innermission.

**The Entire book is now posted.**


What will you find on this web site?

On the Audio page you will find MP3 files of the messages from recent conferences.

The Photo gallery has photos from conferences, and gallery's of some of the old Haugeans.

Han Nielson Hauge page has a brief biography of our namesake.

Newsletters page has downloadable copies of our newsletter the "Morning Glory".

The Hauge Movement in America page has chapters posted from the book of the same name published in 1941. This is the history of the Hauge movement down through the ages. 


Appendix A: From Preserving a Godly Heritage. Explains the difference between Pietism and Missourianism.

Assurance: By Pastor Maynard Force, as printed recently in the "Morning Glory". The tests from 1 John on how you can know (or not) if you have eternal life.

 To order these, send request and payment to:

 Hauge Lutheran Innermission Federation
C/O Zoel Zeltinger

8916 White Spruce Road

Bismarck, N.D. 58503

contador de acesso

‘refreshment’ times. Thank

If you would like, you can donate on line by clicking HERE

Or you can mail donations to :
Hauge Lutheran Innermission Federation
C/O Joel Zeltinger
8916 White Spruce Road
Bismark ND 58503

What is a Hauge Conference? What do Haugeans believe?
1. The demand for true conversion, with emphasis on the working of God's Law in bringing the sinner to repentance. Paul said, "By the Law comes the knowledge of sin." (Rom 3:20)  It is interesting when you look at a history of the great revivals and the great awakenings that have happened in history; they were almost always accompanied by a revival of the preaching of the law of God. That was the case with the revival initiated by Hans Hauge. 
2. Living faith, a vital and personal commitment to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, manifested in holy living. With the state church everyone was baptized and everyone's names were written on the churches rolls, so everyone presumed they were also written in the lambs book of life. But Hans Nielsen Hauge preached that no one could claim they were a Christian unless they were born of God and had the witness of the spirit with in them.
The Lutheran State Church of the early nineteenth century has been characterized as "a magnificent ice palace" by one historian, who sites the following illustration as an example of the official attitude toward those who sought to promote spiritual life:
A crown official was informed that a conventicle was in session at a certain place. He hastened to the scene, but found no one reading the Bible but only a table laden with bottles, glasses, and playing cards. "There are no "Readers" here; these people are all good Lutherans."
3. An ethical emphasis on sanctification.
Sanctification literally means to separated from ordinary use to a sacred purpose. As Christians we are set aside, we are separated from the world; we are God's own people. Eph 5:7-8  Therefore do not be partakers with them.
8 Walk in Light, For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.
4. An emphasis on personal Salvation.
Like I said earlier, it was a state church. You were born into it. You were baptized and everyone was a Christian. Lutheranism in many churches has reverted back to that. Its sacramentalism, you're baptized, and when you're older, you're Confirmed and you take Communion and as long as you perform the rituals you're ok. You don't have to change your life or anything radical like that.
It’s a personal salvation. God doesn’t have any grandchildren. He only has children. And how do you become a child? You have to be born? How do you become a child of God? You have to be born of God. Even the baptized need to have a personal experience of sin and grace. 
John 1:12-13
12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name: 13 who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
5. Vigilance, or the continual need for Christians to watch and pray lest they fall and to examine themselves spiritually on a regular basis.
Oh I think this is so important. "Prone to wander Lord to feel it. Prone to leave the God I love."  We're like Adam and Eve, we're like Samson, we're like David, we're like Judas, we're like Peter, it's easy to loose our first love, it's easy to become lukewarm. Heb 3:13 But encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called "Today," lest any one of you be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.
Sin is deceitful, we need to be constantly on guard, and we often times need other Christians to call us back. We develop blind spots, we start to compromise in little things and often times we don't even see it. We need to be accountable to each other.
6. Evangelism, a burning compulsion to spread the Good News by means of simple and direct personal outreach.
Jesus Christ came to seek and to save that which is lost. If we are His, that will be our desire too.

Six Points from Pastor Robert Lee's book "A New Springtime". 

Click this link to go to PDF document


Zion Lutheran Church
4300 Beaver Ave.
Des Moines, Iowa
Pastor John Kline,  Host Pastor
October 11-13, 2024
(Friday Evening through Sunday Noon)
THEME: For Such a Time as This (Esther 4:14)

7:00  p.m. Opening Comments, prayer ( Offering for the Hauge Innermission)
Guest Speaker:  Dr Craig Jennings, Pastor of Grace Lutheran Brethren Church, Bottineau ND
Coffee and Refreshments following

9:00 a.m. – Prayer Time
9:30 a.m. – Coffee/Refreshments
10:00 a.m. – – Dr Mark Mattes, Professor of Theology and Philosophy,  
Grand View University, 1 Peter 3:15 Workshop: How to share your faith and answer objections in a post Christian world. Come with your questions.
11:00 – Pastor Jim Haga,  Shoreview MN “No Fear Of Dying” Hebrews 2:14-15
Pastor of Faith Lutheran Church of Running Valley, Colfax Wis.
12:00 Noon Meal at the Church (Free Will Offering)
1:15 - 2:15 p.m. – Mr. Wayne Almlie,          Des Moines.  Esther 4:14, John 1:6            Hans Nielsen Hauge, “A Man For Such A time”. President of the Hauge Lutheran Innermission, and editor of the “Morning Glory”
2:30 – 3:30 – Testimonial/Singspiration, The testimony meeting has always been an integral part of Haugean meetings. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so!
3:30 – Fellowship and Refreshments
7:00 p.m.– Dr Craig Jennings
(Offering for the Hauge Lutheran Intermission)
10:00 a.m. – Worship Service: Dr. Craig Jennings.
Regular Zion Offering, There will be a basket on the book table if you would like to contribute to the Hauge Innermission.
There will be a fellowship meal following the service, so if you are visiting, please stay, it’s an international feast.
Pray For: Presence of the Holy Spirit, that our Triune GOD might be glorified!
Welcome to all those who hunger for Spiritual Food!
For Refreshment Times: If able. Please bring
home-made goodies if possible.

Dr. Craig Jennings has served in Christian ministry for a number of years. After graduating from high school in 1973, he attended college at Bob Jones University in Greenville, SC where he earned a B.A. in history in 1977. Following graduation he was given a teaching fellowship at the university. From 1977-1982 he taught various undergraduate history courses while pursuing advanced studies in church history. From 1982-1984 he worked at the university’s press, helping to write and edit textbooks for Christian schools. Dr. Jennings received his M.A. in 1979 and his Ph.D. in 1985.
From 1985 to the present, Dr. Jennings has pastored churches in both the Church of the Lutheran Brethren and the Association of Free Lutheran Congregations. Dr. Jennings also served as Professor of Historical Theology at the Free Lutheran Seminary and Bible School in Minneapolis from 1989-1995.

Dr. Mark Mattes serves as Chair of the Department of Theology at Grand View University in Des Moines, Iowa. Prior to this call, he served parishes in Gardner, Illinois and Antigo, Wisconsin. He holds a Ph.D. from The University of Chicago, the M.Div. from Luther Seminary, and earned his B.A. from St. Olaf College, where he was also elected to Phi Beta Kappa.
Mark has authored several books, including Luther's Theology of Beauty: A Reappraisal (Baker Academic, 2017) and The Role of Justification in Contemporary Theology. He has also co-edited Gerhard Forde's theological essays, A More Radical Gospel and The Preached God and has co-translated works of Oswald Bayer, Theology the Lutheran Way and A Contemporary in Dissent and Klaus Schwarzwäller, Cross and Resurrection. Additionally he has authored numerous essays and reviews for peer-reviewed journals and serves as an associate editor for Lutheran Quarterly. He also serves on the Continuation Committee of the International Luther Congress.

Pastor Jim Haga has been involved with Hauge Innermission since 1997.  He has been a speaker at Hauge Conferences and Evangelistic Meetings numerous times.  He has preached in the Hauge Tent numerous times as well.  He is also the one who publishes the Morning Glory for the Innermission. He Graduated from the Association Free Lutheran Seminary,  Pastor Haga is the pastor at Faith Lutheran Church in Colfax, Wisconsin for 20+ years.

Wayne Almlie, Graduated from California Lutheran  Bible School and has taken several summer classes at the Free Lutheran Theological Seminary. As a Lay person he has served a few churches throughout the years, as Sunday and confirmation teacher , youth director, pulpit supply pastor and served two congregations as a lay pastor for 14 years. Currently is president of the Hauge Lutheran Innermission and Editor of the Morning Glory and Haugeinnermission web site.

My Review of "Pain in the Belly" by Thomas E. Jacobson, Click on blue to read it. A book on the history of the Hauge Movement in America.

Do You Want to Be Saved? Click on link to read chapter from Spirit and Power by Ludvig Hope.
We have now reprinted this classic by Ludvig Hope and we have it available for a suggested donation of $12.

All Messages are now on our "Hauge Innermission" YouTube Channel
Click on Blue link to go to message.

Hauge Lutheran Bible Conference
Liberty Lutheran Brethren Church
Fargo, North Dakota
Host Pastor: Elroy J. Vesta
October 21-23, 2022
(Friday Evening through Sunday Noon)

THEME: “Signs” Amos 8:11-12, Romans 8:3

Click on Ronnie Nelsons name to watch his prelude.
Friday Evening– 6:45 pm. Pianist: Mr. Ronnie Nel son,
Flaxton, ND – 45 minute prelude.
He traveled with Pastor/Evan. O.R. Norheim,
(The Lutheran Gospel Hour)
7:30 p.m. Evangelist Mr. Marlow Nash, Colfax, ND

Saturday 9:00 a.m. – Prayer Time
9:30 a.m. –Coffee/Refreshments, Fellowship
10:00 a.m. – Pastor Lindell Quam, Osakis, MN
11:00 – Gene Finstrom, Buxton, ND
Noon Meal at the Church (Free Will Offer ing)
1:15 p.m. Testimony & Singspiration,Mr. Joel Zeltinger, Bismarck, ND, leading
Approx. at 2:30 – Pastor Lindell Quam
7:30 p.m. Mr. Marlow Nash, Evang.

Sunday 9:30 a.m. – Worship Service with Pastor Elroy Vesta, Host Pastor
PLEASE pray specifically for the Bible Conference if you are in attendance or not!
MOST CERTAINLY all are welcome!
Prayer fully seek whom you might invite to attend with you.
May GOD be glorified and Souls nourished!
If feasible: please bring ‘home-made’ goodies for Refreshment times.
Thank you! 

Last Summers conference
Annual Hauge Lutheran Innermission Federation Bible Conference

Bethesda Lutheran Brethren Church
Westby, Wisconsin Pastor
Paul Tjelta
June 25-27, 2021 (Friday Evening through Sunday Noon)
THEME: “The Light” Psalm 18:28-30

*****Click on highlited text to watch message*****

FRIDAY – Service at 7:30 p.m. Guest Speaker:
Pastor Ron Wik, Cataract, WI.

Refreshment time to follow evening service.

SATURDAY 9:00 a.m. – Prayer Time 9:30 a.m.
– Coffee/Refreshments
10:00 a.m. – Wayne Almlie, Des Moines, IA
11:00 – Pastor Jim Haga, Shoreview, MN
Noon Meal at the Church (Free Will Offering)
1:00 – Pastor Don Greven, Viroqua. WI
2:00 – Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Jacob son, Dundas, MN
with Testimonial/Singspiration
Fellowship and Refreshments following
3:00 – Annual Conference of the Hauge Lutheran Innermission Federation
– You are encouraged to attend
Tentative Hauge Board Meeting following
7:00 p.m.– Pastor Ron Wik

SUNDAY 9:30 a.m. – Worship Service – Pastor Ron Wik
10:45 a.m. – Closing Session – Pastor Ron Wik

PLEASE pray specifically for the Bible Conference
if you are inattendance or not!

MOST CERTAINLY all are welcome! May GOD be glorified and Souls nourished!
If feasible: please bring ‘home-made’ goodies for Refreshment times.
Thank you


We are a Faith based Ministry. If you are a regular visiter to this web Page, would you consider making a Tax deductable gift. There are costs involved in this Web page, plus we mail out about 1400 hard copies of this newsletter. If you would like to donate, send to:

Hauge Lutheran Innermission Federation
C/O Joel Zeltinger
8916 White Spruce Road
Bismark ND 58503

Or click on donate button at top of web site. 


We are now on Facebook.
Please go to

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Altar Steps Devotional

We have now re-printed the daily devotional, "Altar Steps" by R.P. Haakonson. this devotional is suitable for daily devotions with children. Most of the devotions contain a stanza or two of an applicable hymn. This work was first published in 1947 and is very evangelistic. Finished copies are now available on a free will offering basis, with a suggested offering of $8.00.

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Four messages from the 2008 Annual Conference held at Emmanuel Lutheran Church, rural Wanamingo, Minnesota. Go to Audio Download page to download. Also check out Photo Gallary from the conference at Photo Gallary Page.

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In response to questions being asked concerning the objectives and ministries of the HAUGE LUTHERAN INNER MISSION FEDERATION, we share this brief information.

While the Federation has enjoyed a long history among Lutheran Christians in many areas of this country, there are those, especially of the younger people who are quite unfamiliar with the movement. Should you be one of these, we trust this information will be helpful and informative.

The Hauge Lutheran Innermission Federation is:
A FREE MOVEMENT AMONG LUTHERANS FOR SPIRITUAL LIFE. It is not to be confused with any church body or synod. Rather, it is a fellowship of Lutheran Christians working for revival and spiritual life within the existing church and throughout the Christian community.

The “Hauge connection” identifies the movement historically with the Haugean revivals in Norway which had such a powerful impact upon that nation in the early nineteenth century. The Hauge Federation today exists as a REVIVAL MOVEMENT, stressing the desperate need of spiritual awakening and new life in Christ.

A LAY-WITNESS MINISTRY IN THE HAUGEAN TRADITION. Following his conversion to Christ as a young farm boy, Hans Nielsen Hauge promptly felt the call to be a witness for Christ. He began at once sharing the Gospel with his neighbors and friends, and ultimately throughout the length and breadth of Norway.

The Hauge Federation today is essentially a lay-movement encouraging spiritual life and leadership among the laypeople. While the involvement of pastors and of church leaders is always welcome, the work is directed largely by laymen.

A RESOURCE MINISTRY FOR EVANGELISM. The Hauge Federation desires to be a spiritual resource providing assistance to pastors and churches in their evangelistic efforts. As an inter-Lutheran fellowship, the Federation is not bound by synodical affiliations, but is supportive of all Lutheran church bodies that are faithful to the Word of God.

THE PUBLISHER OF THE “MORNING GLORY”, 9 per/yr, (January, March, May, June, August, September, October, and December), devotional paper for the home and family . MORNING GLORY, which is edited by Wayne Almlie, is a refreshing Christian witness in print, featuring the best in devotional reading, evangelistic messages and religious news. Haga Publishing is the publishing arm of the Innermission. We are planning on printing a number of evangelistic / pietistic tracts, booklets and brochures.  Your subscription to the MORNING GLORY may be secured by writing:

Send Announcments, Contributions, and subscription renewals to:
Hauge Lutheran Innermission Federation
Joel Zeltinger
8916 White Spruce Road

Bismarck, ND 58503


Copyright 2025 Hauge Lutheran Innermission Federation. All Rights Reserved.